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Adele Bishop $1,000 grants
to Chapters

2013 adele bishop awards philanthropic i

Adele Bishop Educational Grant

This $1000 educational grant is funded by the Adele Bishop Memorial Fund.  The grant will allow IDAL chapters in good standing to, once a year,  bring an instructor to teach a class to promote growth of each chapter. â€‹

Adele Bishop Philanthropic Award

Once a year, a chapter may submit a charity project where at least a third of the members participated in some way.

The project must be philanthropic in nature and serve the Chapter’s local community in some way.  Local, meaning within 50 miles of home or office address of at least one Chapter member.

The project should represent the assorted talents that your Chapter’s members have to offer.

Adele Bishop Educational Grants

This $1000 educational grant is funded by the Adele Bishop Memorial Fund.  The grant will allow IDAL chapters in good standing to bring an instructor to teach a class to promote growth of each chapter. 


  • Each chapter is eligible once a year to receive the grant.

  • The class must be open to the public as an IDAL endorsed class with advertising through social media, flyers in local paint and art stores, etc., with the intention of introducing and welcoming new members to the IDAL family.

  • Class participants are not required to be IDAL members.

  •  The instructor must be approved by IDAL National prior to the scheduling of the class. 

  • Upon National’s receipt of completed instructor’s evaluations, the instructor will receive payment of $1000 by check via USPS from the IDAL accountant. 

  • All participants are required to sign the IDAL Waiver of Liability agreement.

  • Applications must be submitted to  prior to the class date in order for National to review.

Adele Bishop Philanthropic Award


 A third of current members at the time of the project must have participated in some way.

 The project must be philanthropic in nature and serve the Chapter’s local community in some way.   Local, meaning within 50 miles of home or office address of at least one Chapter member.

 The project should represent the assorted talents that your Chapter’s members have to offer.

No Chapter can win First prize two years in a row.

The project must have been completed within the 12 months prior to the entry deadline.

Please include any scanned images or copies of the following:  Letter from the recipient organization, any testimonials or Thank You notes from the recipient, any media coverage (newspaper, magazine or social media), sketches or renderings used for the project design.



*Full compliance with all scholarship application requirements.

*Originality in organization/ project chosen.

*Enhancement made to the organization and the community at large.

*The various styles and types of Decorative Painting and Artisan’s talents utilized with the Chapter.

*Originality of the presentation.

*Percentage of Chapter members who participated.

*IMPORTANT NOTE:  Any Chapter member who is not in good standing with IDAL may cause disqualification of the entry.


Please request an application from



Application entry must be sent to  by September 30 (of the current year).


*The winning Chapters will be announced at the annual IDAL convention.

*FIRST PRIZE IS: $1000.00  SECOND PRIZE IS: $500.00

*The winning project will be featured in IDAL’s  Artisan's Quarterly Newsletter, as well as IDAL social media, and website.

*Please note:  Other exciting entries will be also be featured on the website as well as in the IDAL Artisan's Quarterly Newsletter and social media.

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