Code of Ethics
The members of the International Decorative Artisans League (IDAL) are the lifeblood of the organization. As members, they are expected to conduct themselves as professionals in the decorative arts industry and operate their businesses within the perimeters of this document. It is paramount that all members adhere to this Code of Ethics and the objectives contained within this document.
To support and promote IDAL at all times when interacting with members, prospective members, chapters, clients, suppliers, educational organizations and all facets of the building industry.
To establish and maintain a clear communication network within the organization that is based on honesty and integrity.
To at all times utilize IDAL’s bylaws as the foundation for organizational decision-making.
To offer opportunities for involvement and participation at all levels of the organization.
To encourage high levels of respect within the organization and all segments of the decorative arts industry.
To maintain high standards of conduct, both personal and professional, that reflect responsibly on IDAL and the decorative arts profession.
To continually upgrade one’s professional knowledge and skills with respect to safety practices, products and application techniques.
To take action, when possible, to encourage positive growth within the organization (IDAL) and the decorative arts industry.
To refrain from misinformation or derogatory information as it relates to IDAL, other members and business partners within the decorative arts industry.
To establish clear and responsible lines of communication with other members of the decorative arts community.
To become involved with IDAL and the local chapters (when possible) to grow the industry.
To adhere to federal, state and local laws or regulations.
To oppose discriminatory practices within the decorative arts industry.
To take in consideration the environmental impact of any project and utilize environmentally friendly products and procedures in the completion of the project.
To work in a collegial manner with business partners and other members of the building trades.
To consider one’s profession and ethical responsibilities when preparing for and leading teaching/training programs within the decorative arts industry.
To conduct all business practices in a manner that is both honest and professional.
To refrain from engaging in any form of false or misleading advertising or promotional activities.
To not undertake any professional responsibility without the training and competency to professionally execute the project.
To respect the confidentiality of information obtained in the course of fulfilling one’s professional activities.
To faithfully fulfill all contracts.
To provide innovative solutions that enhance the value of the project.
To work in a collegial manner with all sections of the public.